
Afari-Gyan – Broken Promises & Vote Buying -“All is not well with our Democracy”

A former Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, has expressed deep concerns about Ghana’s democracy, citing broken promises and rampant vote-buying.

He emphasised the urgent need for corrective measures, stating that the country is retrogressing in its democratic journey.

Dr. Afari-Gyan highlighted the prevalence of electoral malpractices, with politicians prioritising empty promises over concrete policies.

Speaking at the Constitution Day Public Lecture on Monday, January 8, he warned that Ghana is on a troubling path, and voters may soon lose faith in political sincerity, ultimately jeopardising the democratic process.

“In days gone by, whatever vote buying or selling there was took place in secrecy. It’s not so these days. What we have now looks like an open market where candidates can freely buy votes and citizens can freely sell their votes in broad daylight while we all look on seemingly unconcerned.”

“It is a shameful spectacle because vote buying and vote selling are unlawful,” he stated.

Dr Afari-Gyan concluded that “All is not well with our democracy.”

He thus emphasised the need for Ghanaians to demand better from their leaders and actively participate in safeguarding the principles that underpin a healthy democracy.

His blunt assessment serves as a rallying cry for citizens to take a proactive stance in shaping the future of Ghana’s democratic landscape.

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