
Alleged missing corpse: Family threatens legal action against Ashaiman Trinity Mortuary

The family of the alleged missing corpse at the Ashaiman Trinity Mortuary is threatening legal action against the management of the facility.

According to the family of the deceased, the body of their daughter was deposited three months ago after the necessary arrangements were made for burial on Saturday the 20th of April.

However, it turns out that their beloved dead relation is nowhere to be found, compelling the family of the deceased to call off the burial service for their departed relation.

Speaking to GHOne TV, the Principal Elder of the deceased family, Matthew Kwame Animle threatened legal action against the Trinity Community Hospital if the body of their relative is not found.

“Yesterday, we reported the incident to the Police. Because the tempers here were very high.

“When the Police arrived they informed them that they should try and call those who have come for the dead bodies and see if they have exchanged ours. So if we are unable to get ours the only option is we will sue the hospital that’s all,” he added.

The issue of poor handling of corpses at the various Mortuaries in Ghana has once again come to the public light.

Meanwhile, the administrators of the Trinity Community Hospital are tight-lipped as they continue to see how they can locate the dead body of Mary Opari Animley.

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