
Case Briefs

Republic v. State Fishing Corporation Commission of Enquiry (Chairman);

Statement of Facts: The National Liberation Council appointed by an executive instrument, a commission of inquiry to inquire into the management and other matters relating to the State Fishing Corporation. The terms of reference of the commission were set out in the Commission of Enquiry (State Fishing Corporation) Instrument, 1967 (E.I 6). During the sittings

Republic v. State Fishing Corporation Commission of Enquiry (Chairman); Read More »

Case Brief: Akufo – Addo and Others v. Quarshie- Idun and Others

Statement of Fact: Three plaintiffs, each of whom was a lawyer, sued the Chief Justice, the Judicial Secretary and the General Legal Council. They complained that through the conduct of the defendants, that is, by the issue of certain circulars to judicial officers, they had been denied their right to audience as Barristers in the

Case Brief: Akufo – Addo and Others v. Quarshie- Idun and Others Read More »

Case Brief: Tsatsu Tsikata v. Chief Justice & Attorney-General(Empanelling of the Bench by CJ Case)

Statement of Fact: Tsatsu Tsikata v. Chief Justice & Attorney-General[1] (Empanelling of the Bench by CJ Case) Statement of Fact: In February 2002, the Supreme Court gave a 5-4 ruling in favour of the plaintiff. The Attorney-General who is a defendant in the present case filed a Motion for Review. Before the motion could be

Case Brief: Tsatsu Tsikata v. Chief Justice & Attorney-General(Empanelling of the Bench by CJ Case) Read More »

Case Brief: Tehn-Addy v. Attorney – General & Electoral Commission

The Electoral Commission registered eligible voters in 1995 for the presidential and parliamentary elections in 1996. After the registration exercise, the commission announced that they would conduct another registration process for those who had now turned 18 years and those above 18 years who for tangible reasons could not register during the first exercise. On

Case Brief: Tehn-Addy v. Attorney – General & Electoral Commission Read More »

Case Brief: Republic v. Director of Prisons: Ex Parte Salifa (No 1)

Statement of Facts: Mohammed Addul Rahim Baba Salifa, the applicant, was sent to live with a guardian in Guinea for schooling in 1965. The applicant suffered ill-treatment from his guardian and escaped to Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone, he sought the assistance of the Ghana High Commissioner to help him return to his parents in

Case Brief: Republic v. Director of Prisons: Ex Parte Salifa (No 1) Read More »

Case Brief: Republic v. Director of Special Branch; Ex Parte Salifa (No 2)[1]

Statement of Facts: Following the release of Mohammed Abdul Rahim Baba Salifa on the order of the High Court in the Ex Parte Salifa (no 1),[2] the Special Branch of the Police Service rearrested him. This time, he was accused of subversion. His father subsequently filed a writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum and prayed

Case Brief: Republic v. Director of Special Branch; Ex Parte Salifa (No 2)[1] Read More »

Case Brief: State v. General Officer Commanding the Ghana Army; Ex Parte Braimah[1]

Statement of Facts: The respondent, a Nigerian citizen resident in Ghana, was arrested by the army authorities on suspicion of having committed the offence of stealing. At the time, the army had the power to arrest and prosecute just like the police. The Attorney-General gave a written consent for the respondent to be detained for

Case Brief: State v. General Officer Commanding the Ghana Army; Ex Parte Braimah[1] Read More »

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