
Docket: Offence of Causing Harm Under Section 69 of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29)


  1. Harm: Is bodily hurt, disease or disorder, temporary or permanent -Section 1 of Act 29
  2. Unlawful Harm: Harm caused intentionally or negligently without justification under chapter 1 of part 2 (Justifiable force and harm) – Section 76 of Act 29
    • Intention under Section 11 applies. 
    • Negligence – both Section 12 and Section 51 apply.
  3. Offensive weapon: Section 206(3) of Act 29/ section 10 of Public Order Act – made or adapted to cause injury
  4. Threat of Harm: Expressions of intent to inflict pain or injurY
  5. Threat of Death: Expression of intent to cause the death of the person

Section 69-Causing harm
2nd degree felony
0-10 years

The accused caused harm
With an intention to cause harm
With no justification in law


  • Brobbey v R: Causing harm must not only be intentional, it must be unlawful – police officers causing harm in the furtherance of an arrest
    was perfectly lawful.
  • Nimolgu & Ors v R: charge of causing harm was sustainable despite the fact that a charge of use of offensive weapons could also have been laid

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