The court presided over by Justice Atitey Armah-Tetteh, arrived at this conclusion after finding the woman guilty of deceit owing to her wrongful accusation that had caused the man damage.

The High Court at Hohoe has ordered Janet Mikado to pay damages and costs amounting to GHS20,300 for wrongfully representing that Boris Fidelis was responsible for her pregnancy.

The court presided over by Justice Atitey Armah-Tetteh, arrived at this conclusion after finding the woman guilty of deceit owing to her wrongful accusation that had caused the man damage.

Boris Fidelis, who is a police officer, instituted this action, claiming damages and costs for deceit against the woman. According to him, the woman lodged a complaint at Hohoe DOVVSU that he had impregnated her and was made to undertake to pay GHC 100 each month for maintenance, despite his denial of the accusation.

In the court document sighted by dennislawnews, the district court ordered a paternity test, which indicated that he was not the child’s father. It was thus the case of the police officer that, in addition to the GHC 100 monthly payment, he also spent Ghs 500.00 on transport and Ghs 100.00 on food, and the cost of the DNA test was GHS 2,700.

He thus sought special and general damages and costs against the defendant.

Defendant’s case

She told the court that she took her former husband to DOVVSU, and the plaintiff was the police officer in charge of the case.

It was the case of the defendant that they later entered into an amorous relationship for two and a half years and that it was within this period of their amorous relationship that she got pregnant.

According to her, the police officer asked her to terminate the pregnancy, but she refused and gave birth.

She thus noted that the result of the DNA ordered by the District Court was fake, insisting that the plaintiff police officer was the father of the child.

As such, she made a counterclaim for “compensation from the plaintiff for the 2 ½ years spent with the plaintiff as a wife, cook, wash (sic), sleep, and have (sic) intercourse with the defendant.’

The court, however, found her guilty of deceit in its judgment while upholding the paternity test results.