
Motor Rider faces a week in jail for crossing red traffic light, fined GHc240

A motor rider Abubakar Sani could serve a week custodial sentence after being convicted by the Kaneshie District Court for traffic offenses.

The convict was charged with careless riding resulting in him crossing the red lights at Kanda Highways.

Sani pleaded guilty to three counts of offenses namely “Careless and inconsiderate riding, failing to comply with road traffic signs to wit; Red Light and causing danger to other road users.”

He has been, subsequently, sentenced to a fine of 20 penalty units on each of the three counts.

However, the Court said the sentences are to run concurrently, meaning he will only pay 20 penalty units which is equivalent to GHc240.

The Magistrate, Her Worship Nana Abena Asoh Owusu-Omenyo said should Sani defaults in the payment of the fine, he should serve a week in jail.

Per the brief facts of the case as narrated to the Court by Sergeant Sandra Amakyie who was holding brief for the substantive prosecutor said, Sani was among a group of riders who flouted the traffic regulations along the Ring Road Central.

She said, that on March 1, 2024, at about 8:23 am, Abubakar Sani was riding a Royal Motorbike with registration No. M-23-GW 2093 from Kawukudi heading towards Nima.

Sergt. Amakyie said on reaching the Club 10 traffic light, the traffic light indicated red but Sani (Accused) failed to stop and “carelessly without reasonable consideration to other road users rode through the mandatory red light and caused danger to other road users.”

The Prosecutor said, a special task force team known as Operation PARI led by Chief Inspector Robert Gyan and his team from Police Headquarters spotted the accused rider, arrested and brought him to Nima MTTD.

She said, that after investigations, the accused rider was processed and charged with the offenses as stated in the charge sheet to appear before this honorable court.



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