

MASLOC case: An educated thief is capable of causing more havoc than robber with AK47 gun – Judge

A Justice of the Court Appeal, Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe has expressed concerns about how the educated elites have rather become more “harmful” than a robber with an AK47 gun. According to her, throughout her years of practice, she has not heard of an armed robber who had broken into someone’s premises and bolted with […]

MASLOC case: An educated thief is capable of causing more havoc than robber with AK47 gun – Judge Read More »

MASLOC case: Ex-CEO Sedinam Tamakloe, Daniel Axim face judgement today

The Financial and Economic Division of the High Court in Accra is expected to deliver judgment in the case in which “absconded” former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), Sedina Christine Tamakloe Attionu and interdicted Head of Operations, Daniel Axim are standing trial. The two were charged for among

MASLOC case: Ex-CEO Sedinam Tamakloe, Daniel Axim face judgement today Read More »

No stolen booty found in Opuni’s house after ‘excavation’ — Lawyer

The extensive searches including a reported excavation for alleged stolen booty conducted in the house of the former boss of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), Stephen Kwabena Opuni, became a topical issue in his trial at the Accra High Court last Wednesday. During cross-examination, counsel for Dr Opuni, Samuel Codjoe, inquired from a witness whether

No stolen booty found in Opuni’s house after ‘excavation’ — Lawyer Read More »

MASLOC Boss pocketed staff allowances – Former Operations Head testifies

Daniel Axim, second accused (A2) and a former Head of Operations at Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) has narrated how fugitive Christina Sedina Tamakloe Attionu pocked travelling allowances of staff. He said the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MASLOC, Sedina’s Secretariat, kept part of staff travelling allowances. Axim cited countless occasions where Sedina

MASLOC Boss pocketed staff allowances – Former Operations Head testifies Read More »

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