
Fosu Gyeabour

Sentence Chief Justice, 2 others to prison for contempt – Lawyer to Supreme Court

The Chief Justice (CJ) together with the Judicial Secretary and the Legal Council (GLC) have been dragged to the Supreme Court for Contempt. The action filed by Kwame Aning Gyeabour, a private legal practitioner was concerning a Circular said to have been issued by the GLC to all Courts not to grant him an audience. […]

Sentence Chief Justice, 2 others to prison for contempt – Lawyer to Supreme Court Read More »

Lawyer sues Chief Justice, GLC over circular to courts not to grant him audience

Private legal practitioner Kwame Aning Fosu-Gyeabour has filed a lawsuit against the General Legal Council, Chief Justice, and the Judicial Secretary in response to a circular instructing all courts not to grant him an audience. Initiating the lawsuit on February 22, Mr. Fosu-Gyeabour alleges that the defendants acted unlawfully in issuing the said circular. In

Lawyer sues Chief Justice, GLC over circular to courts not to grant him audience Read More »

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