
Natural Justice

Republic v. State Fishing Corporation Commission of Enquiry (Chairman);

Statement of Facts: The National Liberation Council appointed by an executive instrument, a commission of inquiry to inquire into the management and other matters relating to the State Fishing Corporation. The terms of reference of the commission were set out in the Commission of Enquiry (State Fishing Corporation) Instrument, 1967 (E.I 6). During the sittings […]

Republic v. State Fishing Corporation Commission of Enquiry (Chairman); Read More »

Case Brief: Akufo – Addo and Others v. Quarshie- Idun and Others

Statement of Fact: Three plaintiffs, each of whom was a lawyer, sued the Chief Justice, the Judicial Secretary and the General Legal Council. They complained that through the conduct of the defendants, that is, by the issue of certain circulars to judicial officers, they had been denied their right to audience as Barristers in the

Case Brief: Akufo – Addo and Others v. Quarshie- Idun and Others Read More »

Case Brief: Tsatsu Tsikata v. Chief Justice & Attorney-General(Empanelling of the Bench by CJ Case)

Statement of Fact: Tsatsu Tsikata v. Chief Justice & Attorney-General[1] (Empanelling of the Bench by CJ Case) Statement of Fact: In February 2002, the Supreme Court gave a 5-4 ruling in favour of the plaintiff. The Attorney-General who is a defendant in the present case filed a Motion for Review. Before the motion could be

Case Brief: Tsatsu Tsikata v. Chief Justice & Attorney-General(Empanelling of the Bench by CJ Case) Read More »

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