
We are yet to receive a suitable docket for prosecution in Ahmed Suale’s murder – A-G

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has disclosed that his office has not received any dossier deemed suitable for prosecution regarding the murder of investigative journalist Ahmed Suale.

Addressing Parliament on Tuesday, February 20, the Minister underscored that Mr. Suale’s case is one among several pending investigations.

He noted that the Ghana Police Service’s Criminal Investigations Department (CID) is actively handling the matter, but as of now, no prosecutable evidence has been forwarded to his office.

While acknowledging ongoing investigations, Mr. Dame revealed that initially, four suspects were detained to aid the inquiry. However, they were subsequently released on police inquiry bail due to the lack of eyewitness identification.

“On being appointed Attorney General, the former Inspector General of Police [James] Oppong-Boanuh paid a courtesy call on me on March 29, 2021, for being concerned about the failure to resolve this case and other cases.

“I inquired about the state of investigations into the matter and demanded a report on the case and the director general of CID obliged.”

Ahmed Suale met his tragic demise on January 16, 2019, when two unidentified assailants on a motorbike, with concealed license plates, fatally shot him in Madina while he was returning from a family gathering.

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